Calgary Counselling Centre

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Meet the voices of our 150 Stories

Stories can help us experience a powerful time in someone else’s life. Our clients generously share their journey with us every day and we are profoundly moved and inspired by them.

In honour of Canada’s 150th birthday, we want to collect and share 150 of your stories. These are remarkable stories that might just help someone find the courage to get the help they need.

Meet the first six voices of our 150 stories.

“I’ve been struggling with depression for many, many years, I can’t actually pin-point when it started it just kind of creeped up on me gradually, slowly.” – Vina

Vina had been at the bottom of another spell of depression and it got so bad she attempted suicide, find out below how she learned to recognize the red flags when it comes to her mental health.

“I just couldn’t handle it anymore, I couldn’t handle the way it felt and I couldn’t escape from it.” – Ara

After living his life as an emotional pendulum, swinging from one emotion to the next, Ara decided to take action and contact Calgary Counselling Centre. Learn what finally led him to seek help below.

“I was constantly feeling defeated, angry and overwhelmed with everything going on in my life. I have two little kids to worry about and didn’t know how I was going to get through the day, let alone be able to keep it together for their sake.” – Scott

Find out what Scott did to keep himself, and his family together while working through his depression.

“I could fake confidence really well, but never really felt it for myself.” – Shay

Read more about how Shay went from enduring her constant struggle with self-esteem to genuinely accepting herself.

“I didn’t really know what it was but having a form of depression and anxiety just floated with me my entire life… I needed to finally handle my mental health properly.” – Graham

After being let go from his dream job and hitting rock bottom, Graham finally found the support he needed to improve his mental health. Watch Graham share his journey below.

“I filled myself with self-blame and self-hate, which made it absolutely impossible to feel good about myself in any way.” – Craig

Watch Craig’s full story below and learn why throwing yourself into your work can actually increase your distress instead of resolving it.

Share your story and help those who are struggling to speak up and get help by following these four steps:

Step 1: Create a YouTube account or use your existing one

Step 2: Record your video using your webcam, cell phone or any resources available

Step 3: Please submit a video no longer than seven minutes to our Communications Department. Title and tag your video “150StoriesCCC – Your Name” and use tags to describe your video such as: #depression #overcome #strength

Step 4: Upload your video to YouTube and fill out the form below. We will review your submission and post it on the site

We all stumble, let’s pick each other up. Share your story and inspire someone to get the help they need.

To learn more about our programs and services or to register for counselling, call 833.827.4229 or click here to schedule an appointment with a counsellor today.